/The Chan Tea Musical
/[Reprint] Fragrance of Chan and Tea widely spreaded in Colombo; President of Sri Lanka gave a like (Ta Kung Pao)
[Reprint] Fragrance of Chan and Tea widely spreaded in Colombo; President of Sri Lanka gave a like (Ta Kung Pao)
2016-06-21 21-11-10 来源: 作者: 点击:次
【转载】中华禅茶飘香科伦坡 斯里兰卡总统点赞(大公报) [Reprint]Fragrance of Chan and Tea widely spreaded in Colombo; President of Sri Lanka gave a like (Ta Kung Pao)
2016年5月21日,是佛吉祥日,在南传佛教国家又叫卫塞节,是南传佛教徒庆祝佛陀诞生、出家、成道、涅槃的大日子,其意义及重要性好比汉传佛教的佛诞节。联合国秘书长潘基文在2016年卫塞节致辞中提到:“面对当前种种暴力冲突、仇恨言论、侵犯人权行为,卫塞节提供了一个宝贵的契机,让我们可以藉此思考佛教教义,如何有助于我们处理各种挑战。” May 21st ,2016, was the Buddha auspicious day, also known as the Vesak Day in Theravada Buddhism countries. It is the great day that they celebrate Buddha’s birth、becoming a monk、achieving enlightenment and entering nirvana, which is as significant as Buddha’s birthday in Chinese Buddhism. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon mentioned in the message on the Day of Vesak: “At this time of mass population movements, violent conflicts, atrocious human rights abuses and hateful rhetoric aimed at dividing communities, the sacred commemoration of the Day of Vesak offers an invaluable opportunity to reflect on how the teachings of Buddhism can help the international community tackle pressing challenges.”
斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳-马恩省、总理维克勒马辛哈、中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良、 中华原创禅茶音乐会总导演仁炟法师及所有演职人员合影留念 President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe , Ambassador of P.R.China Xianliang Yi, the general director of the Chan and Tea Musical Ven. Ren Da and the whole cast posed for photographs.
斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳(前排右一)与仁炟法师(前排左一) 走上舞台相互合十 President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena (the first from right) and Ven. Ren Da (the first from left) walked on the stage and greeted each other.
为庆祝这一殊胜节日,斯里兰卡举国欢庆。在政府的大力支持下,斯里兰卡佛教智慧之伞及其国际佛教资讯和研究中心,盛情邀请山东省博山正觉寺在卫塞节期间举办中华原创禅茶音乐会。作为2016年卫塞节系列活动备受瞩目的重磅剧码,斯里兰卡首都科伦坡国家大剧院22日晚座无虚席,1500多名观众前来,只为领略一场来自中国高雅精美的禅茶盛宴。 To celebrate this special day, Sri Lanka rejoiced across the whole country. On the strong support of the government, Sadaham Savanna Sri Lanka and International Buddhism Research and Information Center, invited Boshan Zhengjue Monastery to hold the Chan and Tea Musical during the Vesak. As the grand performance wining high degree of concern in the series of activities by the 2016 Vesak , in the evening May 22nd national theater in Colombo, Sri Lanka was packed, more than 1500 spectators attended, who were only to appreciate a elegant and exquisite grand banquet of Chan and Tea from China.
两国禅茶文化 Two countries of Chan and Tea Culture 交流崭新篇章 New chapter of culture exchange
斯里兰卡总统心灵顾问拉塔纳长老致欢迎词 A welcom message from Ven.MP. Athuraliye RathanaThera, the mind consultant of the president
中国山东省博山正觉寺方丈仁炟法师致辞 A message from Ven. Ren Da, the abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery
斯里兰卡总统心灵顾问拉塔纳大法师在致欢迎辞中表示非常喜欢禅修茶道,赞叹禅修茶道是大众喜闻乐见的文化交流方式,而且斯里兰卡是著名的红茶出口国,悠久的茶文化更需要有禅文化的融合。拉塔纳大法师在致辞中多次提到在山东博山正觉寺的美好经历,并表示中华原创禅茶音乐会在斯里兰卡科伦坡国家大剧院举办,这将是两国禅茶文化交流的一个崭新篇章。 A welcome message from the mind consultant of the president Ven.MP. Athuraliye RathanaThera mentioned that he likes practicing Chan in tea ceremony very much, which is a well creative and acceptable way of culture exchange for both countries, and Sri Lanka is well known for black tea export, the long history of tea also needs to merge with Chan. Ven. MP. Athuraliye Rathana Thera mentioned many times in the message about wonderful experience in the Boshan Zhengjue Monastery and indicated that the Chan and Tea Musical which was held in Nelum Pokuna Theater will open a new chapter on culture exchange between China and Sri Lanka.
山东省博山正觉寺方丈仁炟法师在致辞中表示,中斯两国佛教交往源远流长,1600年前就有东晋僧人法显到此取经,而今天中华原创禅茶音乐会来到斯里兰卡,是1600多年后的回归和反哺。我们尝试把茶桌搬上舞台,把国家大剧院变成禅堂,希望禅修茶道和中华原创禅茶音乐会给大家带来心灵的宁静和愉悦,并祝福大家卫塞节快乐,吉祥如意! A message from the abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Ven. Ren Da mentioned that there is a long history of friendship between China and Sri Lanka. One thousand and six hundred years ago, the Chinese Ven. Master Fa-hsien traveled thousand miles to Sri Lanka for Sutras. The performance we brought here today was a way to give back. We tried to put tea tables on the stage, transformed the theater to the place of Chan meditation, hoping this concert bring peaceful mind and happiness to everyone. We hope everyone enjoyed it. Wish everyone a wonderful Vesak and all the best.
斯里兰卡高僧大德祈福世界和平 Venerable Masters from Sri Lanka were chanting Sutra to pray for world peace.
禅茶师表演禅修茶道 Practitioner practiced Chan in tea ceremony
伴随着仁炟法师敲响雄浑激越的吉祥鼓声,中华原创禅茶音乐会拉开序幕。斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳、总理维克勒马辛哈等当地政要以及中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良出席音乐会。 Along with a sound of magnificent auspicious drums by Ven, Ren Da, the Chan and Tea Musical kicked off. President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe and other local politicians as well as ambassador of P.R.China Xianliang Yi attended concert.
本次音乐会包括四个篇章:《春·萌发生长·茶趣》《夏·枝繁叶茂·禅悦》《秋·收穫吉祥·分享》《冬·含藏空灵·一味》。春日茶仙子的礼敬歌赞、夏夜禅院清凉如水的琴音、秋时收获满满的感恩与幸福、冬月围炉煮茶的温暖,禅茶之美在季节转换中完美演绎呈现。 This concert consisted of four classic chapters: “Spring, Sprouting and growing, Pleasure of tea”, “Summer, Flourish, Pleasure of Chan mediation”, “Autumn, Harvesting, Sharing” and “Winter, Storing and emptiness, Oneness of Chan and tea”. The main theme was practice Chan meditation in tea ceremony, along with the tea fairies singing in garden in spring, the voice of Chinese zither in monastery in summer, the joy and thankfulness in fall, and the peaceful minded with the tea savoring and Chan mediation in winter, the beauty of Chan and Tea perfect rendered in the seasonal transition.
整个音乐会以禅修茶道为主线,禅茶师优雅的动作如行云流水,与歌者的咏唱、演奏者的琴音和舞者的倾情演绎,在大自然的音声画中融为一体,为斯里兰卡观众带来禅意芬芳的视听盛宴。演出持续两个多小时,为当地高僧大德、观众及在斯华侨华人带来了一场与自心对话的禅茶之旅。 The whole concert with practicing Chan in tea ceremony as the main line. Practitioner performed in a calm, concentrated, peaceful and continuous way, complemented by singing, voice of the instrument, and dancing, and finally melted into a wonderful piece of art and presented to the audience. The performance lasted for more than two hours for local venerable masters, audience and overseas Chinese, and brought a heart dialogue Chan and Tea tour.
作为斯里兰卡佛教徒最熟悉的佛教经典,当《吉祥经》的音乐响起时,立即引发观众共鸣。“我一下就听出来了,我在跟随他们一齐唱诵,而且旁边观众问我,他们是不是在演唱《吉祥经》?”哈夏先生高兴地说,他们就这样被演出深深吸引了。 As the most familiar sutra for the Sri Lankan Buddhist, when the music of “Mangala Sutta” sounded, immediately triggered the audience resonance. "I heard about it, I followed them together chanting, and next to the audience asked me, are they singing’ Mangala Sutta ‘? ”Mr. Harshaw happily said, they were deeply attracted by performance.
禅与心灵交响 Chan and soul symphony 观众流连忘返 Audience linger
国际著名小提琴家张乐独奏《赞法显》 International famous violinist Le Zhang soloed a violin "In praise of Fa-hsien "
禅茶师表演禅修茶道 Practitioner practiced Chan in tea ceremony
正觉寺出家僧众和禅茶师共同演绎《佛宝赞》 Monastics of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery and Chan and tea practitioners chanted together the song of ”Eulogising The Buddha”
音乐会曲目《分享慈悲》由仁炟法师作词,昆曲情景则以悠远、婉转,纯净的气息萌发了在场华人的思乡之情。国际著名小提琴家张乐独奏的《赞法显》细腻悠扬,展现了中国僧人法显南下取经的艰辛历程;最后,正觉寺出家僧众和禅茶师们共同演绎的《佛宝赞》恢宏大气,将整场音乐会带向高潮。 Concert repertoire "Sharing compassion", with lyrics by Ven. Ren Da, Kunqu Opera scene showed distant、tactful and pure style which stimulated homesickness of the audience of Chinese. The International famous violinist Le zhang soloed a delicate melodious violin "In praise of Fa-hsien”, which showed the difficult process that Chinese monk Fa-hsien’s pilgrimage southwards for Sutras. Finally, monastics of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery and Chan and tea practitioners chanted together a magnificent song of Eulogising The Buddha”,which pushed the whole concert to a climax.
“禅与心灵的交响,茶与音乐的激荡”,最后,在现场热烈的掌声中,斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳、总理维克勒马辛哈、中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良走上舞台,与中华原创禅茶音乐会总导演、山东省博山正觉寺方丈仁炟法师及所有演职人员合影留念。总统称赞:此次音乐会是一场充满禅意的修行”。音乐会全部结束后,观众流连忘返,久久不愿离席。 “Symphony between Chan and mind, surge of tea and music". At the end of the concert, in the warm applause of the scene, President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe , ambassador of P.R.China Xianliang Yi went on stage, posed for photographs with the general director of the Chan and Tea Musical, the abbot Boshan Zhengjue Monastery Ven. Ren Da and the whole cast. The president praised: the concert is a practice full of Chan spirit. After the concert, the audience lingered, reluctant to leave.
“太完美了,每个细节,禅茶表演中的一招一式,优雅、专注、自在、安然。斯里兰卡观众米萨说,“只有置身其中才能体会它的妙不可言,希望我的孩子能够记起这个夜晚。” "It’s perfect, every detail, every gesture and motion in the performing of Chan and Tea, was in a grace, concentrated, comfortable and peaceful scene.” Sri Lankan audience Misa said, "Only exposure to it one can realize the wonderful experience beyond words, I hope my children should be able to remember tonight."
中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良观后表示,此次中华原创禅茶音乐会的圆满,加深了两国佛教文化的相互了解,增进了两国佛教界的友谊,并为中国佛教在东南亚赢得了声誉。 After the concert, the ambassador of P.R.China Xianliang Yi said, a great success of this Chan and Tea Musical, deepen the mutual understanding between the Buddhism cultures of two countries, enhance the friendship between two countries of the Buddhist communities and win the reputation for Chinese Buddhism in Southeast Asia.
中华原创禅茶音乐会总导演、山东省博山正觉寺方丈仁炟法师在接受采访时表示,作为庆祝斯里兰卡卫塞节的压轴戏,这次演出的收获超出预期。期待未来再次来到斯里兰卡,实现中斯文化更加深入、无边界的交流。 The general director of the Chan and Tea Musical, the abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery Ven. Ren Da said in an interview, as the grand finale of celebrations of Sri Lanka Vesak, this performance harvested more than expected. Looking forward to coming to Sri Lanka again, and achieve a more in-depth and no border exchanges of culture communication between China and Sri Lanka.
据悉,10月7日,中华原创禅茶音乐会将走进印度,在圣地菩提迦耶再次演绎中华禅茶艺术。(来源:大公报) It is reported that on Oct 7th, the Chan and Tea Musical will be held again in Holy Bodhi Gaya, India and perform Chan and Tea art. (From: Ta Kung Pao)